Web Asistent

Web Asistentis the easiest solution for busy business people, such as probably you. Dedicate your time to your work and leave the website creation, its management, web hosting and other techologies to us. We will help you design your website and then create and optimize it so that your target group can easily find you on the Internet.

We'll solve all technical issues for you - we'll take care of your domains, take care of backup, web hosting and simply complete background for your website. You will retain your independence in the same time - you can take over your website at any time in your own hands.


Non-binding demand

40 € without VAT raning 2 hours (48 € with VAT)

Web Asistent training

We will be happy to help you with Moje stránky and ACTIVE24 eshop solution administration. Within 2 hours of training, we'll introduce you to setting up these services and managing them.  At the same time, we will set up your website to suit your needs.

We will contact you by phone and agree on the exact date of your online training.  This will work out of the comfort of your home or workplace - we'll connect you through the phone and remote desktop to your computer and will completely guide you through the service with practical demonstrations.

If you do not have ACTIVE 24 e-shop or Moje stránky yet, and just think about training before deciding whether to buy them, we'll show you everything in test versions that always have the highest possible parameters for the service.

If 2 hours are not enough, it is possible to buy further training or settings at any time at a discounted hourly rate of CZK 600 excl. VAT (726 CZK with VAT). This offer also applies to the administration of WordPress websites – we always inform you in advance about the total price of training according to the required range.

100 € without VAT per month (120 € with VAT)

Web Asistent

Complete domain care


We will consult with the selection and registration of your domain with you and we will that your domain is extended to the next period. We will also help you update your contact information for your domain.

Website creation


We will design and create a website within the tool Moje stránky  templates (structure, design, formatting content including making plug-ins and forms available).

Continuously updating the website


Based on your requests, we will keep your website up-to-date. We will also contact you regularly to meet your current needs.

Web hosting and regular backups


Your website will run on top web hosting that we back up every night. In addition, the site will be protected by a security certificate.



We will provide you with operation, configuration and backup of your mailboxes.

Website optimization


Your website will be optimized for search engines, we will set keywords, check site indexing on Google and Seznam, we will minimize duplicate and similar content on your website, and provide a clean URL.

  1. Co zahrnuje základní měsíční sazba Web Asistent?
    Tvorbu, update, správu 1 webu pro 1 doménu (v rozsahu první měsíc 20 hodin práce web-asistenta, další měsíce v rozsahu 5 hodin měsíčně, nevyčerpané hodiny se nepřevádějí do dalšího měsíce).
  2. Na jaké domény se vztahuje registrační poplatek?
    Registrační poplatek pro 1 doménu neplatí pro prémiové domény a nezahrnuté koncovky.
  3. Kolik e-mailových schránek obsahuje služba Web Asistent?
    Web Asistent obsahuje 5 e-mailových schránek ACTIVE 24 E-mail po 10 GB.
  4. Kdy bude můj požadavek zpracován?
    Garantujeme vám, že vaše požadavky budou zpracovány bez odkladu, nejpozději následující pracovní den.
  5. Kolik budu platit, když budu chtít nějakou práci navíc?
    Hodinová sazba nad rámec balíčku Web Asistent je 1 000 Kč/hodina.
  6. Vytváříte loga?
    Logo vám rádi vytvoříme, cena je za příplatek 2 000 Kč/hodina práce grafika.
  7. Mohu získat další služby?
    Další služby lze dokoupit za standardní ceníkové ceny – typicky další e-maily, schránky PLUS, další domény.
Martin Vráblík

Monday – Friday 9:00 – 17:00